The Internet is a telecommunications network whose usefulness is well known. But unfortunately, more vices are developing on it. It is not uncommon for users to fall victim to scams on these networks. To protect yourself from this scam, it is essential to follow a few tips to discover in this article.
Internet scams: what are they?
Scam, deception and theft, the internet scam is the fact of obtaining the thing of others in a fraudulent way, and this through social networks. The tools of new technology are used for this purpose. Click on news to learn more about the latest technology. Having become commonplace nowadays, internet scams manifest themselves in several forms. These include: Phishing; Fake profiles on social networks; Lottery winnings and miracle investments; Fake charities; Administrative intermediaries; etc. There are many different methods of deception on the Internet. Therefore, it is not possible to make an exhaustive list.
Avoiding internet scammers: tips to follow
You should avoid sending your personal data. Your passwords or bank numbers can be used to scam you. So, when responding to an email or message, do not send your personal information. It is not obvious that your bank will ask you for it, at least by email, since they gave it to you. On social networks, it is easy to usurp the identity of a person or an organisation for the purpose of fraud. It is therefore advisable to take your time to check the authenticity of the person writing to you. You can ask to meet the person to be sure. Also, refrain from donating to sites whose reliability is questionable. A charitable organisation always provides information about its intention and legal and fiscal existence documents.
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